Monday, April 29, 2013

And we're off.

Ready to head to the launch.  How lucky is that. It sits on its waterline.

Finishing touches

The interior is painted and some varnish adds some shine. Loaded to the trailer and the motor mounted the numbers make it official.

The fun details

The gunnels and bow piece are added and the stern quarters.

Hull is painted.

The exterior is complete and preparing to add the wood gunnels.

Time to flip

The hull is inverted and sanded fair to prep for glass.
The glass is wetted out one side at a time.
With the weave filled and faired the bottom is painted.

The beginnings

The bottom is stitched and the port side is stitched.
The transom is glassed into position as are the forward bulkheads.
Bulkheads are glass tabed into place and the rear seat is being fit.

The rear panels are installed and ready to be glassed.